Red cups placed beneath toilet seats at night!! (And Why We Advise You to Try this trick)

    Here’s one of your biggest concerns that you can conquer, even if it may seem a little strange, but as we all know The biggest problems are solved by strange solutions Here’s one of your biggest concerns that you can conquer, even if it may seem a little strange, but as we all know The biggest problems are solved by strange solutions We all have problems, and sometimes they seem overwhelming. But if we can break down what seems like an impossible task into smaller pieces, it becomes easier to handle.

    red cup under the toilet

    Throughout the world, people tuck a mug under their toilet seat before going to bed. you’ll learn the reason why people put a red mug under the toilet and how can this trick help you solve some very common issues. it works as a warning and to protect ourselves from a bad time using the toilet

    red mug under the seat

    An indicator that there is no toilet paper.

    There are many situations in which we find ourselves with a call of nature that cannot be resisted, making it hard to predict when our supply of toilet paper will run out. leaving a red mug under the seat is an indicator of an empty toilet roll under the seat as a way of warning other users that there’s no more paper left.

    You can easily spot the red cup because of its vivid color. Once you’ve noticed it, your eyes will automatically look for the toilet paper—thus avoiding embarrassment and frustration caused by an empty roll.

    under the seat red cup

    To protect us from sewer-dwellers 

    You may have heard of an urban legend that alligators dwell in the sewers of New York City but you probably don’t expect to find snakes and critters in your toilet. How is the red-cup trick connected to this situation? You would know that something tipped over your red cup if you closed your toilet seat.

    This is a practice done at night while you’re asleep you wouldn’t be able to hear what’s happening in your toilet. Once the uninvited visitor appears, the red mug will fall to warn you and confirm the legends.

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