He Digs Up A Chest In His Garden, What He Finds There Will Shock Everyone

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A Rusty Box

Bamboo forest

Matthew had never even considered trying to open it and see what was inside, as he assumed that it was just an old electrical cabinet. And he had never moved it either, worried that it would affect the flow of electricity to his house if it was still working. Instead, he had covered it up with wood shavings, and let it become overgrown with brambles. Little did he know, one day that box he had thought so little about would completely change his life.


A Sudden Storm

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 A storm

Four years after Matthew and his family moved into the house, a huge storm hit. The storm ended up practically destroying the Emanuels’ garden, and after that wildlife had managed to get in and nibble on the remaining plants, which caused even more damage. When spring rolled around, they decided it was time to renovate and fix the damage the storm and animals had created. So Matthew made an appointment with a landscape gardener to help with this task.


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