Most Athletic Dog Breeds – Your Best Choice For A Workout Buddy
3. American Pit Bull Terrier
Also known as pit bull, this dog breed have been completely underestimated. This dog is mainly owned as a family dog, however, it’s capable of a lot more. The pit bull is strong and smart and an awesome companion and gym buddy. It’s so easily trained, extremely friendly and doesn’t require too much vet visits or maintenance.
4. Border Collie
Among athletic dogs, the Border collie is the most athletic. More so, they are considered the most intelligent of all dog breeds in the world. They could be sanguine if they were human because, they always want to please their owners. I already admire their strong work ethic and it’s great to know that they are great at sports.
5. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
If you own one, it’s high time you get it trained for the Olympics. These breed of dogs are great in water. They may win if you compete with them in a swimming competition. They wish, right? Anyway, they are also extremely happy dogs so they’ll bring a lot of joy into your household, if nothing else.
6. Vizsla
This dog breed is popularly known as a ‘jack of all trades’. What can’t it do? They’re useful for hunting, pointing, etc. However, do be careful. You shouldn’t own this dog if you’re not a very active or driven person. This is because they may be destructive if they are not active for a while. They are built for activity and luckily they bond with their owners so that’s great news. You can carry them along as workout buddies.
7. Doberman Pinscher
Need protection, you can train this breed. The beautiful thing about this breed is that, once they form a bond with their owners, they become suddenly protective. Unfortunately, this breed has gotten a bad reputation for being aggressive but they are not really. These dog breed are loyal, kind, smart and very much trainable.
8. Australian Shepherd
Full of vigor and energy, this dog breed ironically is not Australian. The Australian shepherd is driven and can last for long hours due to its great stamina. Well, it should be expected since that’s how they are bred. This dog is also very athletic, impressively obedient and really agile.
9. Dalmatian
The Dalmatian dog breed is a great workout buddy. They are hardworking so they could motivate you to be discipline. Dalmatians are also very dedicated and may teach you not to quit. This dog breed have great endurance and enjoy activities such as swimming, running, etc.
10. Labrador Retriever
The retriever is actually a very popular dog breed. However, what are they popular for? Well, for starters, they are very friendly and they do so well in public. They enjoy swimming and playing fetch. You could lose a lot of pounds just playing with them. What delightful active buddies!
11. Boxer
These ones love a brain challenge. They obviously need to attend school since they love to solve problems. Like the Vizsla, they are also ‘jack of all trades’ breed of dogs. They enjoy physical activity as much as they enjoy being given a mental challenge. More so, they are highly competitive, obedient and hardworking.
12. Rhodesian Ridgeback
Can a dog hunt a lion? Well, a Rhodesian can. I think this dog breed beats all breed. Any dog that can hunt a lion is the most athletic in my book. The Rhodesian has a very muscular body and outstanding strength. Fortunately, they are also great at cuddling so I guess you could call it a dual purpose dog – as a gym partner and as an adorable couch companion.
13. Siberian Husky
Huskies are great in dog races. They can run very far and incredibly fast in marathon races. I guess you can take them to the gym, fire up the treadmill and just watch them go. However, be ready to keep up because they’re known for having endurance that cannot be matched by any other dog breed. They’ve even been listed as the most active breed of dogs.
14. Greyhounds
These breed of dogs have been around for a long time. However, their reputation as the fastest dogs still stands. Greyhounds are intelligent, energetic and can trace anything dead or alive. They are traditionally used for hunting. We often see that in movies, they use them to trace missing persons or to find hidden objects. But beware to train it properly as they are known to chase and devour prey.
15. Standard Poodle
Don’t let their adorable fluffy appearance fool you. This dog breed made it to the list of the fastest, most athletic dogs in this world. They love outdoor activity so you’ll definitely lose some pounds taking them for a walk or to the park to keep them entertained. Their energy level is medium but they’re very athletic nonetheless. They have a muscular build so you can imagine.
The Active Times – 19 of the Most Athletic Dog Breeds
Canna-Pet – What Are the Most Athletic Dog Breeds?
Canine Weekly – 10 Athletic Dog Breeds Perfect for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Daily Sport X – The Top 10 Most Athletic Dog Breeds