Qu’il soit grand ou petit, utiliser votre espace de vie pour le décorer à votre goût n’est pas toujours chose facile. On ne s’apprivoise pas décorateur d’intérieur comme ça et savoir jouer avec les espaces pour donner une âme à une pièce n’est pas donné à tout le monde. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, dans cet article, on vous donne des conseils de décoration simples, pratiques et économique pour ré approprier votre pièce !
1/20. Embellissez vos meubles
Mad in Crafts
If you have a piece of furniture, maybe a storage table, try using some upholstery nails to embellish it. This will certainly make your home look more expensive. This is one of the home decor hacks that are widely used. You can also use this to revive an old furniture you bought at a garage sale. Fortunately, these upholstery nails come in silver, brass etc so lots of choices for you.
2/20. Recouvrez vos abats-jour de tissu
- La publicité -
Get a piece of beautiful fabric – maybe from an old bedding or old dress or scarf. Then, use some glue to attach it neatly to your lampshade. Furthermore, you can change fabrics from time to time so that it looks like you bought a new lamp every time and you’ll never get bored with your home. Because, just having a basic lampshade sit there is boring. You can get creative with your lampshade with these home decor hacks and match the fabric whenever you change decor. More so, it will give your home an exotic and expensive look.