This ingredient will add extra softness to your towels |

    You may find it very annoying when you choose a towel that you have washed recently, after you take a good shower and go to dry, you will notice that the towel is rough. It’s actually like you’re rubbing yourself dry, the towel makes those scratches. Like sandpaper for wallpaper! So why do towels become stiff and softness fades quickly? It has to do with the soap used to wash clothes and the scales on our skin


    But there is an easy way to fix this

    hard water

    Other than soap and scrubs, there are minerals in the water we use that also cause our towels to dry naturally very quickly. This is a pity, because after a shower you are refreshed, and what we want most is to complement it with a clean towel to dry ourselves off easily. However, you don’t need to throw away all those stiff, scratchy towels you’ve been keeping around, as there is a fairly easy way to get your towels back that doesn’t feel like a cheese grater.


    At first, it’s generally best to wash towels in hot water. If we do this, we will remove the soap, which is not usually consumed completely, and it will also erase the scales that stick to our skin. You might consider using fabric softener and think it will make your towels soft again (that’s what the product says about itself), but we don’t recommend it. If you observe the packaging carefully, you will realize that softeners contain a lot of chemicals that are not good at all, in fact, many of these products can be harmful to health.


    So if you want your towels to get their softness back, better try something different, and what’s better than something you might have at home? On the next page, you will find what you need through this technique

    The only thing you will use for this is some ammonia and vinegar! Vinegar is definitely magical: it’s good for so many different things and it’s all-natural

    Ammonia and vinegar

    So, in addition to using hot water, you have to add vinegar by measuring it in a cup and some ammonia to the clothes. Put it in the softener compartment of your washing machine, now add only the amount of detergent you normally use in the compartment of your washing machine. In this way, thanks to ammonia, we ensure that the detergent does not stick to the towels and vinegar does the same job, with the presence of minerals in the water. Together, the ammonia and vinegar will make your towels soft and fluffy again forever


    Remember: Fabric softener is not recommended. Even if it is effective in making clothes softer when we talk about the benefits, this product does not have much to cover the disadvantages of using it.

    There are also some useful tips if you have new towels that have not lost their softness yet. These tips will help you avoid roughness in them

    Do not put any used towels in the laundry basket if it is still slightly damp. When applied in a lump when wet, a wet washcloth will lose its fluffiness. Be sure to dry the towel after each use, and fold it carefully

    When placing towels in the washing machine, make sure that there are no items with zippers, metal buttons, or rivets between the items. These metal pieces contribute to the destruction of the fabric of the towel, which makes it lose its softness


    Do not dry the towels in direct hot sunlight or by placing them immediately on the electric radiator at high temperatures, as this also contributes to the destruction of the fabric.

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